Denise has consistently worked to strengthen the local business community, promoted networking opportunities for business owners, worked with the City’s Economic Development Department, and promoted projects geared towards revitalizing local businesses. Small businesses are the life-blood of the community and they are vital to providing jobs to area residents, and revenue for the community. As a small business owner herself, Denise is acutely aware of the many challenges small business owners face.
During her first term as Mayor, Denise strongly supported Green Jobs development legislation that was pending in the State legislature, which was designed to promote the development and implementation of the “green-collar” jobs (such as producing technology-intensive products, and the retrofitting of homes and offices to be more environmentally-friendly and more energy-efficient). In 2009, she garnered $100,000 for job training and job placement in the burgeoning green economy. She has supported legislation like the “Pathways out of Poverty Program” that is tied in with Green Jobs training, and the "Building Pathways" program that helps recruit individuals to apprenticeship opportunities in the local building trades.
Throughout her time in office, Denise has helped hundreds of individuals get connected to the job-finding services and organizations designed to help connect them with stable, viable employment. She has worked closely with the Office of Workforce Development, placed calls to her extensive network of friends and associates on behalf of her constituents, written letters of reference and recommendation for job seekers, and worked to help many families avert financial disaster. She has also helped organize programs to help professionals and business owners, particularly women and minorities, network and create beneficial relationships.
Denise concluded her second term as Mayor of Cambridge on December 31, 2017, she is currently serving her 10th term on the City Council, and she can be reached via email at [email protected], by phone at 617.349.4280, or people can reach out to her via her Twitter and Facebook feeds. Please be sure to be in touch and share your thoughts with her!